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YUM COMMAND CHEAT SHEET for Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Download [https://access.redhat.com/sites/default/files/attachments/rh_yum_cheatsheet_1214_jcs_print-1.pdf YUM COMMAND CHEAT SHEET for Red Hat Enterprise Linux]
{| class="wikitable"
! colspan="2"| YUM QUERIES
| help
| ''Display yum commands and options''
'''yum help'''<br/>
Show yum subcommands and options<br/>
| list
| ''List package names from repositories''
'''yum list available'''<br/>
List all available packages<br/>
'''yum list installed'''<br/>
List all installed packages<br/>
'''yum list all'''<br/>
List installed and available packages<br/>
'''yum list kernel'''<br/>
List installed and available kernel packages<br/>
| info
| ''Display information about a package''
'''yum info vsftpd'''<br/>
List info about vsftpd package<br/>
| deplist
| ''Display dependencies for a package''
'''yum deplist nfs-utils'''<br/>
List dependencies and packages providing them<br/>
| provides
| ''Find packages that provide the queried file''
'''yum provides “*bin/top”'''<br/>
Show package that contains top command<br/>
'''yum provides “*/README.top”'''<br/>
Show package containing README.top file<br/>
| search
| ''Search package names and descriptions for a term''
'''yum search samba'''<br/>
Find packages with samba in name or description<br/>
| updateinfo
| ''Get information about available package updates''
'''yum updateinfo security'''<br/>
Get info on available security updates<br/>
| grouplist
| ''List names of installed and available package groups''
| groupinfo
| ''Display description and contents of a package group''
'''yum groupinfo “Web Server”'''<br/>
See packages in Web Server group<br/>
| check-update
| ''Query repositories for available package updates''
| install
| ''Install a package from a repository to your system''
'''yum install vsftpd'''<br/>
Install the vsftpd package<br/>
| update
| ''Update one or all packages on your system''
'''yum update'''<br/>
Update all packages with available updates<br/>
'''yum update httpd'''<br/>
Update the httpd package (if available)<br/>
'''yum update --security'''<br/>
Apply security-related package updates<br/>
| update-to
| ''Update one or all packages to a particular version''
| upgrade
| ''Update packages taking obsoletes into account''
| localinstall
| ''Install a package from a local file, http, or ftp''
'''yum localinstall abc-1-1.i686.rpm'''<br/>
Install abc package from local directory<br/>
'''yum localinstall http://myrepo/abc-1-1.i686.rpm'''<br/>
Install abc from FTP site<br/>
| downgrade
| ''Downgrade a package to an earlier version''
'''yum downgrade abc'''<br/>
Downgrade the abc package to an earlier version<br/>
| reinstall
| ''Reinstall the current version of a package''
'''yum reinstall util-linux'''<br/>
Reinstall util-linux (to replace any deleted files)<br/>
| swap
| ''Remove one package and install another''
'''yum swap ftp lftp'''<br/>
Remove ftp package and install lftp package<br/>
| erase
| ''Erase a package (and possibly dependencies) from your system''
'''yum remove vsftpd'''<br/>
Remove the vsftpd package and dependencies<br/>
| remove
| ''Same as erase''
| autoremove
| ''Same as erase, plus removes additional unneeded packages *''
'''yum autoremove httpd'''<br/>
Remove httpd and other unneeded packages<br/>
| groupinstall
| ''Install all packages in the selected group''
yum groupinstall “Web server”<br/>
Install Web Server packages<br/>
| check
| ''Check the local RPM database for problems (runs for a long time)''
| history
| ''View and use yum transactions''
'''yum history list'''<br/>
List all yum install, update and erase actions<br/>
'''yum history info 3'''<br/>
Show details of yum transaction 3<br/>
'''yum history undo 3'''<br/>
Undo the yum action from transaction 3<br/>
'''yum history redo 3'''<br/>
Redo the undone yum action from transaction 3<br/>
| clean
| ''Clear out cached package data''
'''yum clean packages'''<br/>
Delete packages saved in cache<br/>
'''yum clean all'''<br/>
Clean out all packages and meta data from cache<br/>
| fssnapshot
| ''List LVM stapshots (helps roll back after package updates)''
| fs
| ''Act on filesystem (prevent doc or language file install on minimal systems)''
'''yum fs filters'''<br/>
List enabled filesystem filters<br/>
'''yum fs documentation'''<br/>
Filters all docs from being installed (careful!)<br/>
| repolist
| ''Display enabled software repositories''
| repoinfo
| ''Display information about enabled yum repositories *''
'''yum repoinfo rhel-7-server-rpms'''<br/>
See info on rhel-7-server-rpms repo<br/>
| repo-pkgs
| ''Work with packages in a particular repository *''
'''yum repo-pkgs my-rpms list'''<br/>
List packages from my-rpms repo<br/>
'''yum repo-pkgs my-rpms install'''<br/>
Install all packages from my-rpms repo<br/>
'''yum repo-pkgs my-rpms remove'''<br/>
Remove all packages from my-rpms repo<br/>
| makecache
| ''Download yum repository data to cache''
| langavailable
| ''List all available languages *''
| langinfo
| ''List packages available for a language *''
'''yum langinfo es'''<br/>
List packages associated with Spanish language<br/>
| langinstall
| ''Install packages associated with a particular language *''
'''yum langinstall es'''<br/>
Install packages associated with Spanish language<br/>
| langlist
| ''List languages that are installed *''
| langremove
| ''Remove installed language packs for a language *''
'''yum langremove es'''<br/>
Remove packages associated with Spanish language<br/>
| -y
| ''Assume yes if prompted''
| --assumeno
| ''Assume no if prompted''
| -q
| ''Produce no output''
| -v
| ''Produce extra debugging output''
| --noplugins
| ''Run command without loading any yum plugins''
| --disableplugin=
| ''Disable a particular plugin for single command''
'''yum --disableplugin=langpacks info vsftpd'''<br/>
| --enableplugin=
| ''Enable a plugin that is installed, but currently disabled''
'''yum --enableplugin=ps ps'''<br/>
Show packages tied to running processes<br/>
| --enablerepo=
| ''Enable currently disabled repo for a single command (wildcards okay)''
'''yum install docker \ --enablerepo=rhel-7-server-extras-rpm'''<br/>
| --disablerepo=
| ''Disable currently enabled repo for a single command (wildcards okay)''
'''yum list available --disablerepo=epel'''<br/>
| --downloadonly
| ''Download to /var/cache/yum/arch/prod/repo/packages/, but don’t install''
'''yum install --downloadonly vsftpd'''<br/>
Download vsftpd package to cache<br/>
| --filter-???=
| ''Replace ??? with vendors, rpm-groups, arches, and others to filter output''
| --changelog
| ''Display changelog information of package''
! colspan="2"| MORE YUM-RELATED COMMANDS (install the yum-utils package)
| find-repos-of-install
| ''Find which repository a package comes from''
| needs-restarting
| ''Find processes that have been updated and need to restart''
| repoclosure
| ''Get unmet dependency list from repositories''
| repoquery
| ''Query remote repos and local RPM database''
'''repoquery --requires --resolve bash'''<br/>
Show dependent packages<br/>
| reposync
| ''Synchronize yum repositories to a local directory''
'''reposync -r rhel-atomic-host-beta-rpms'''<br/>
Get packages from repo<br/>
| repotrack
| ''Download a package and all its dependencies''
| show-installed
| ''List installed RPM packages and statistics''
| verifytree
| ''Check the local yum repository for consistency''
| yum-complete-transaction
| ''Try to complete yum transactions that didn’t finish''
| yumdb
| ''Check or change the yum database''
| yumdownloader
| ''Download a package from a repo to current directory''
Type man yum for futher details on all yum subcommands and options
* New options for RHEL 7
** Some options need yum plugins. Type yum list “yum-plugin*” to see available plugins.

2021年11月25日 (四) 23:00的最新版本

Download YUM COMMAND CHEAT SHEET for Red Hat Enterprise Linux

help Display yum commands and options

yum help
Show yum subcommands and options

list List package names from repositories

yum list available
List all available packages
yum list installed
List all installed packages
yum list all
List installed and available packages
yum list kernel
List installed and available kernel packages

info Display information about a package

yum info vsftpd
List info about vsftpd package

deplist Display dependencies for a package

yum deplist nfs-utils
List dependencies and packages providing them

provides Find packages that provide the queried file

yum provides “*bin/top”
Show package that contains top command
yum provides “*/README.top”
Show package containing README.top file

search Search package names and descriptions for a term

yum search samba
Find packages with samba in name or description

updateinfo Get information about available package updates

yum updateinfo security
Get info on available security updates

grouplist List names of installed and available package groups
groupinfo Display description and contents of a package group

yum groupinfo “Web Server”
See packages in Web Server group

check-update Query repositories for available package updates
install Install a package from a repository to your system

yum install vsftpd
Install the vsftpd package

update Update one or all packages on your system

yum update
Update all packages with available updates
yum update httpd
Update the httpd package (if available)
yum update --security
Apply security-related package updates

update-to Update one or all packages to a particular version
upgrade Update packages taking obsoletes into account
localinstall Install a package from a local file, http, or ftp

yum localinstall abc-1-1.i686.rpm
Install abc package from local directory
yum localinstall http://myrepo/abc-1-1.i686.rpm
Install abc from FTP site

downgrade Downgrade a package to an earlier version

yum downgrade abc
Downgrade the abc package to an earlier version

reinstall Reinstall the current version of a package

yum reinstall util-linux
Reinstall util-linux (to replace any deleted files)

swap Remove one package and install another

yum swap ftp lftp
Remove ftp package and install lftp package

erase Erase a package (and possibly dependencies) from your system

yum remove vsftpd
Remove the vsftpd package and dependencies

remove Same as erase
autoremove Same as erase, plus removes additional unneeded packages *

yum autoremove httpd
Remove httpd and other unneeded packages

groupinstall Install all packages in the selected group

yum groupinstall “Web server”
Install Web Server packages

check Check the local RPM database for problems (runs for a long time)
history View and use yum transactions

yum history list
List all yum install, update and erase actions
yum history info 3
Show details of yum transaction 3
yum history undo 3
Undo the yum action from transaction 3
yum history redo 3
Redo the undone yum action from transaction 3

clean Clear out cached package data

yum clean packages
Delete packages saved in cache
yum clean all
Clean out all packages and meta data from cache

fssnapshot List LVM stapshots (helps roll back after package updates)
fs Act on filesystem (prevent doc or language file install on minimal systems)

yum fs filters
List enabled filesystem filters
yum fs documentation
Filters all docs from being installed (careful!)

repolist Display enabled software repositories
repoinfo Display information about enabled yum repositories *

yum repoinfo rhel-7-server-rpms
See info on rhel-7-server-rpms repo

repo-pkgs Work with packages in a particular repository *

yum repo-pkgs my-rpms list
List packages from my-rpms repo
yum repo-pkgs my-rpms install
Install all packages from my-rpms repo
yum repo-pkgs my-rpms remove
Remove all packages from my-rpms repo

makecache Download yum repository data to cache
langavailable List all available languages *
langinfo List packages available for a language *

yum langinfo es
List packages associated with Spanish language

langinstall Install packages associated with a particular language *

yum langinstall es
Install packages associated with Spanish language

langlist List languages that are installed *
langremove Remove installed language packs for a language *

yum langremove es
Remove packages associated with Spanish language

-y Assume yes if prompted
--assumeno Assume no if prompted
-q Produce no output
-v Produce extra debugging output
--noplugins Run command without loading any yum plugins
--disableplugin= Disable a particular plugin for single command

yum --disableplugin=langpacks info vsftpd

--enableplugin= Enable a plugin that is installed, but currently disabled

yum --enableplugin=ps ps
Show packages tied to running processes

--enablerepo= Enable currently disabled repo for a single command (wildcards okay)

yum install docker \ --enablerepo=rhel-7-server-extras-rpm

--disablerepo= Disable currently enabled repo for a single command (wildcards okay)

yum list available --disablerepo=epel

--downloadonly Download to /var/cache/yum/arch/prod/repo/packages/, but don’t install

yum install --downloadonly vsftpd
Download vsftpd package to cache

--filter-???= Replace ??? with vendors, rpm-groups, arches, and others to filter output
--changelog Display changelog information of package
MORE YUM-RELATED COMMANDS (install the yum-utils package)
find-repos-of-install Find which repository a package comes from
needs-restarting Find processes that have been updated and need to restart
repoclosure Get unmet dependency list from repositories
repoquery Query remote repos and local RPM database

repoquery --requires --resolve bash
Show dependent packages

reposync Synchronize yum repositories to a local directory

reposync -r rhel-atomic-host-beta-rpms
Get packages from repo

repotrack Download a package and all its dependencies
show-installed List installed RPM packages and statistics
verifytree Check the local yum repository for consistency
yum-complete-transaction Try to complete yum transactions that didn’t finish
yumdb Check or change the yum database
yumdownloader Download a package from a repo to current directory

Type man yum for futher details on all yum subcommands and options

  • New options for RHEL 7
    • Some options need yum plugins. Type yum list “yum-plugin*” to see available plugins.